People always remember to pamper their feet in the warm summer months because they are more exposed to the world. However, it’s just as important to take care of your feet during the winter.
As the autumnal weather sets in, it’s time for you to take a step in the right direction so you don’t get cold feet.
Below are some of my top tips for giving your feet the proper care this Autumn:-
1. Keep Your Feet Warm.
When the outside temperature drops you want to make sure you are wearing warm socks and shoes or boots. So your feet are getting adequate protection from the cold weather. A shoe that is encased all around and has a good sole is best, and boots even better. No higher than a 2-inch heel no matter how gorgeous those boots look!
Socks that are made out of wool will give you extra warmth and protection. This is especially important for people who suffer from Diabetes, damaged nerves, or poor circulation because they are more likely to experience problems with their feet during cold weather. Chilblains are one example, which appears on the toes as small painful, or itchy red lumps and is an abnormal reaction to the cold.
2. Make Sure Your Footwear Fits You Well And Comfortably
Get your feet measured properly. There are still shoe shops that have trained staff to do this. Or you could have a go at measuring them yourself at home. You just need some paper, a pen, and a ruler. Check out the youtube video below.
So many people wear shoes and boots that are too small or too wide, etc. When shopping for shoes make sure you try them on and walk around in them. looking to make sure there is plenty of toe room. Don’t buy an uncomfortable pair of shoes or boots expecting to ‘break them in’. This will just put pressure on your feet and possibly lead to problems.
When your feet have been correctly measured, you will be able to select shoes, boots, and slippers with proper arch support, no slipping, and less pain in the ball of your foot. You will be reducing the risk of ingrowing toenails and longer-term foot problems.
My top tip is to go shopping for new shoes in the afternoon. This is when your feet are going to be at their largest because your feet do swell a little during the day.
3. Keep Your Feet Protected.

For the past several months your feet and toes have been exposed to the elements in sandals and flip flops. Or worse just bare feet. Although it is nice to feel the sand and sun between your toes now and again, it does mean that your feet are exposed to all sorts of trouble. Now that it is getting colder you can afford to protect them better by wrapping them up inside some socks and well-fitting shoes, boots, and slippers.
When putting on your shoes in the morning look out of the windows to make sure they are appropriate for the conditions outside. When it’s wet, snowy, or icy, wear shoes that provide good ankle support, that are comfortable, and have a sole which will grip the ground so you don’t slip. Boots are perfect for this type of weather.
4. Keep Your Footwear Clean And Alternate Them
Because your feet are continuously now been kept under wraps it also means they are prone to sweating and nothing loves a dark, warm, damp place like a fungal nail infection or athlete’s foot.
So It is a good idea to alternate the shoes you wear. Don’t wear the same ones day after day. If you love a particular shoe or boot then buy 2 pairs (they will last twice as long so you aren’t losing out lol). That way you can change them around and give them a chance to dry out. This is especially good to do with trainers.
Also, get yourself a good Antifungal Shoe Spray – not just an odour spray but one that kills germs too.
Remember to spray your shoe or boot after hard days wear. Leave them to dry out (whilst you wear another pair) and they will then be good to go. This will help lower your risk of your feet catching something nasty.
5. Keep Your Feet Clean And Well Kept
It’s important to keep your feet clean, dry and toenails trimmed to avoid issues such as corns, calluses (hard skin), fungal nail, Veruccae, athletes foot, and ingrown toenails. If you have any difficulties doing any of the regular tasks-you need the services of a good foot health Practitioner.
My Top Tip – treat yourself to a warm soak in a foot spa every now and then. They are not expensive to buy and it is a great relaxing way to warm your feet up, stimulate blood vessels and clean your feet thoroughly and also helps you keep an eye out for any developing problems
Check Amazon Price Here
6. Inspect Your Feet Regularly.

I know your feet are all the way down the end of your legs and tend to be out of sight, out of mind. But inspecting them regularly will help catch problems before they get serious.
Look for redness where poorly fitting shoes or boots are rubbing – get some new ones that fit better.
Look out for skin cracking, as infections can get in – moisturize regularly.
Make sure your nails look clean and healthy and trim them regularly-but trim straight across.
The first sign of any problems give your foot health practitioner a call.
7. Take A Nail Polish Break.
It is Autumn so you are now having your feet on view less and less. Those toes are no longer on display, sticking out of flip flops and sandals. So take the opportunity to not paint them with nail polish.
Long term use of nail polish isn’t good for your nail health.
My Top Tip If you must have them painted, even in the winter months, choose a light colour as this will lessen the blocking effect of the varnish on your nail.
8. Exfoliate Once A Week
File your hard skin away once a week. Get yourself a good foot file and file off that hard skin when your feet are dry. Don’t file them when they are wet as the file will not do its job as well and also hard skin on wet feet is harder to spot.
9. Moisturize Your Feet.
Your feet are even more likely to dry out in the winter months than the summer if they are kept inside warm shoes and boots all day. It is important to moisturise them to avoid cracking and hard skin forming.
10. Call Your Foot Health Practioner If You Need Help And Advice.
If you are experiencing any kind of foot pain or notice anything out of the ordinary, don’t hesitate to contact your local foot health practitioner.
If you live in or around Felixstowe, Suffolk England then give me a call – Theresa of Heel The Soles on 07534 329448.
I am here to help you have pain free, healthy, attractive feet no matter what your age.